Tehachapi Union of
Certificated Substitutes



TUCS is the bargaining representation for Tehachapi Unified School District certificated substitute teachers.


Provide bargaining representation for Tehachapi Unified School District certificated substitutes.  

At its inception, TUCS does not intend to charge dues, provide individual legal representation, or provide representation to individual members in disputes with TUSD.


Achieve bargaining unit status by 51% of TUSD certificated substitute teachers affirming their membership in TUCS.



Aside from some district office employees, certificated substitutes are one of the only roles in TUSD currently unrepresented by a labor union.  This leads to very little attention on the role of substitutes, and in fact there are incentives for other unions to advocate for policies to the detriment to certificated substitutes.

The district has a colored history of mistreatment of substitutes, including denying or ignoring sick time eligibility required by state law, and requiring substitutes to sign a job description "contract" not approved by the school board in order to be assigned a long term substitute position.  See the issues for more information.


For more info, email info@tehachapiucs.org